

Indigenous Governance is not the same thing as government, management, corporate organisations, administration, and it’s also more than just leadership.

Creating successful Indigenous governance gives a nation, or organization the ways and means to achieve the things that matter to them. It aligns their goals and vision for a healthy prosperous community and provides with a framework to successful governance.

Makwag is not limited to the holistic health of the individual, but also includes the financial health, governance stability, human resource components, and planning efforts of our Tribal Governance and Indigenous Organizations.

Makwag Consulting has access to experienced Indigenous leaders that have extensive experience in governance and working for Indigenous communities and organizations. This includes Elders, Chairpersons, Executive Directors, and Financial Comptrollers that can provide their keen insight and learned experiences in working through the challenges of running a successful Tribal Administration and/or Indigenous organization. Areas of expertise:

  • Avoid 3rd Part Management
  • Strategies to Consistently Build Financial Surplus
  • When to Involve Litigation
  • Human Resources
  • Governance Audit
  • Strategic Planning

There is no obligation or cost to talk.
Please reach out.

Professional Indigenous Consulting Services